2025年2月11日 星期二
Change of phenolics content in leaves of Gynura divaricata in different months
2021年 第30卷 第5期 页码[75-77]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

 Contents of ten representative phenolics (including six caffeoylquinic acids of neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, 3,4dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3,5dicaffeoylquinic acid and 4,5dicaffeoylquinic acid and four flavonoids of rutin, isoquercitrin, nicotiflorin and astragalin) in leaves of Gynura divaricata (Linn.) DC. from April to November were assayed by using HPLC method. The results show that there are evident variations in total contents of caffeoylquinic acids and flavonoids in leaves of G. divaricata in different months, in which, total contents of caffeoylquinic acids and flavonoids both have two peak values in April and August. In the same month, total content of flavonoids is higher than that of caffeoylquinic acids in leaves of G. divaricata. Contents of total phenolics in leaves of G. divaricata are relatively high in April and August, which are 3.317 2 and 2.716 0 mg·g-1 respectively, and are significantly higher than those in other months. Combined with yield, August is considered as the best harvest period of G. divaricata.

关键词白子菜; 酚类成分; 采收期
Key wordsGynura divaricata (Linn.) DC.; phenolics; harvest period
作者陈剑, 鲜新, 吕寒, 刘艳, 任冰如, 李维林
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园) 江苏省抗糖尿病药物筛选技术服务中心, 江苏 南京 210014