2025年3月14日 星期五
Nutritional components of fruits from Prinsepia utilis Royle and Pyracantha fortuneana (Maxim.)Li
2002年 第11卷 第2期 页码[63-64]    下载全文[0.2MB]  

The analysis of nutrients in fruits of Prinsepia utilis Royle and Pyracantha fortuneana (Maxim.)Li showed that there was mineral elements, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins including β-carotene.And at least 17 kinds of amino acid in Prinsepia utilis fruits.It provided the basic data for the utilization of this two wild plants.


关键词青刺尖; 火棘; 营养成分; 果实
Key wordsPrinsepia utilis Royle; Pyracantha fortuneana (Maxim .)Li; nutrients; fruit
作者袁 瑾 , 李风起 , 钟惠民
所在单位青岛科技大学应用化学系, 山东青岛 266042