2025年3月14日 星期五
Ecological characters of rare-endangered plant Ulmus lamellose in Shanxi Province
2002年 第11卷 第4期 页码[45-50]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

在总结相关文献资料的基础上 ,通过对山西南部中条山和霍山脱皮榆 (Ulmus lamellose T .Wang et S .L .Chang)种群的样地调查 ,分析了脱皮榆的分布规律、生境特点、群落特征和种群结构以及其濒危现状及致濒原因 ,并提出了相应的保护对策。结果表明 :1)脱皮榆群落具有暖温带地带性植被的特点 ,区系成分具有北温带性质。 2 )种群结构具有严重的年龄缺失。 3)山西南部是脱皮榆的分布中心。 4 )致濒的原因是环境破坏和自身繁殖能力下降。


On the basis of summarized the literatures and investigated the sample stands in the south of Shanxi Province, the distribution order lines, habitat peculiarity, community characters, population structure of rare endangered plant Ulmus lamellose T. Wang et S . L. Chang and its endangered status, put forward safeguard strategy were analysed . The results showed : 1) there are in evidence the land vegetation of warm temperate zone in Ulmus lamellose communities and the property of the north temperate zone in the flora; 2) the class-age deficiency is serious in the populations; 3) the distribution center is in the south of Shanxi Province; 4) the endangered cause could be that its habitat was destroyed and the productivity represented descending. 

关键词濒危植物; 脱皮榆; 分布; 群落;
Key wordsendangered plant; Ulmus lamellose T.Wang et S. L. Chang; distribution; community
作者毕润成, 张 杰, 苏俊霞
所在单位山西师范大学生命科学学院, 山西 临汾 041004
基金项目山西省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 20021098); 山西省归国留学基金资助项目 ( 99-13 );