2024年7月17日 星期三
Influence to the growth of Leonurus artemisia ( Lour. ) S. Y.Hu by various fertilizer level
1998年 第7卷 第1期 页码[31-34]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

对益母草Leonurus artemisia ( Lour.) S .Y .Hu作不同肥料水平的田间处理, 考评单株鲜地上部分鲜重分蘖数和长叶速度等生物学特性L4( 23) 试验结果表明:( 1) 磷肥对益母草的单株鲜重地上部分鲜重和分蘖数的影响起主导作用, 氮肥次之, 钾肥影响最弱;( 2) 对益母草的长叶速度, 磷肥起决定性作用, 氮肥钾肥的影响不明显;( 3) 氮肥能促进叶片中叶绿素的积累根据这些结果对益母草的需肥特性进行了讨论


Field investigation of applying various fertilizer to Leonurus artemisia ( Lour .) S .Y .Hu were carried out to examine fresh w eight of single plant and above ground part, tiller number and growth speed of leaves .The test results of L4( 23) indicated :( 1) Pfertilizer has the key influence to fresh weight of single plant and above ground part and tiller number, N-fertilizer is the seco nd and K-fertilizer is the third ;( 2) the growth speed of leaves is determined by P-fertilizer;( 3 ) chlorophyll in leaves is easily accumulated by N-fertilizer .The fertilizer requirement characters of L.artemisia  were also discussed .

关键词益母草; 施肥水平; 生物学特性
Key wordsLeonurus artemisia ( Lour. ) S .Y .Hu; fertilizer level; biological character
作者盛束军, 郑俊波, 俞旭平, 奚天位
所在单位浙江省中药研究所, 杭州 310023