2024年12月18日 星期三
Observation on gametophyte development process of Dryopteris chinensis
2017年 第26卷 第3期 页码[115-117]    下载全文[1MB]  

Morphological variation during the gametophyte development process of Dryopteris chinensis (Bak.) Koidz. was observed. The results show that the development process of D. chinensis can be divided into spore germination, filament formation, plate formation, prothallus formation, sexual organ formation and apogamety. The spores are bilaterally symmetric, monolete, surface with ridge fold ornamentation, elliptical in polar view, and approximately semicircle-shaped in equatorial view. The spore germination type is of Vittaria-type; the filaments with a length of 3-7 cells, not branched or occasionally branched, with single or double row cells; mature prothallus is symmetrically cordate, and the development type of prothallus is of Aspidium-type, with long unicellular clavate trichomes distributed on the surface and in the margin; with antheridium but archegonium is not observed, belongs to apogamety. One prothallium of D. chinensis produces one embryo, and young embryo can be generated within one month after the formation of antheridium; there are a lot of unicellular trichomes and some multicellular trichomes on the young embryo of sporophyte.

关键词中华鳞毛蕨; 配子体发育; 无配子生殖
Key wordsDryopteris chinensis (Bak.) Koidz.; gametophyte development; apogamety
作者陈倩, 段映霞, 戴锡玲
所在单位上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院, 上海 200234
基金项目上海市自然科学基金资助项目(15ZR1430500); 上海市科学技术委员会科研计划项目(14DZ2260400); 上海市绿化和市容管理局科学技术项目(G152430)