2025年3月13日 星期四
Correlation between dry matter accumulation amount and growth property of seedlings ofsuperior clones of Tripterygium wilfordii
2013年 第22卷 第3期 页码[33-37]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

对23 个雷公藤(Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f.)优良无性系扦插苗的干物质积累量(全株及根干质量)及生长性状(平均枝数、地径、主藤长、平均藤径、平均藤长、平均根径和平均根长)进行了测定;在此基础上,采用典范相关分析法分析了其干物质积累量与生长性状间的相关性。结果表明:各无性系幼苗的根干质量占全株干质量的63%,其变异系数在所有指标中最大(54. 67%),主藤长的变异系数次之,而平均根长的变异系数最小,表明各无性系间根干质量和主藤长的差异较大,可作为雷公藤优良无性系选优的基本指标。各无性系幼苗的干物质积累量与生长性状的第1 对典范相关系数(0. 964 9)达显著水平,且包含总相关信息的69. 84%;在该对典型变量中,干物质积累量第1 典型变量U1 的X2 变量(全株干质量)系数的绝对值最大(0. 786 2),U1 为主要描述优良无性系幼苗全株干质量的综合性状,随全株干质量升高U1 明显下降;生长性状第1 典型变量V1 的Y4 变量(平均藤径)和Y5 变量(平均藤长)系数的绝对值最大(0. 388 3),V1 为描述优良无性系幼苗平均藤径和平均藤长的综合性状,随平均藤径的增加V1 明显减小、而随平均藤长的增加V1 明显增大。通过第1 对典型变量的二维排序可将供试的23 个无性系划分为3 类,最优无性系为2、4、7、8、9、13 和15。研究结果表明:平均藤径和平均藤长可以作为雷公藤生物量模型构建的评价指标。


Dry matter accumulation amount (total dry weight and root dry weight) and growth property (mean branch number, basal diameter, main cane length, mean cane diameter, mean cane length, mean root diameter and mean root length) of cutting seedlings of twenty-three superior clones of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f. were determined, and on this basis, the correlation between dry matter accumulation amount and growth property was analyzed by the method of canonical correlation analysis. The results show that root dry weight accounts for 63% of total dry weight of clone seedlings, and its coefficient of variation is the greatest in all indexes,that of main cane length is the second, while that of mean root length is the samllest, indicating that the difference between root dry weight and main cane length is larger among all clones and can be used as the basic index in selecting of superior clones of T. wilfordii. The first canonical correlation coefficient (0. 964 9) between dry matter accumulation amount and growth property of clone seedlings is significant, which contains 69. 84% of total correlation information. In this pair of canonical variables, the absolute coefficient value (0. 786 2) of variable X2 (total dry weight) belonging to the first canonical variable U1 of dry matter accumulation amount is the largest. U1 is a comprehensive character mainly used as describing total dry weight of seedlings of superior clones, and U1 decreases obviously as increasing of total dry weight. The absolute coefficient value (0. 388 3) of variable Y4 (mean cane diameter) and variable Y5 (mean cane length) belonging to the first canonical variable V1 of growth property is the largest. V1 is a comprehensive character used as describing mean cane diameter and mean cane length, and V1 decreases obviously as increasing of mean cane diameter but it increases obviously as increasing of mean cane length. Twenty-three superior clones tested can be divided into three types by means of two-dimension coordinate to the first pair of canonical variables, and clones 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13 and 15 are the best. It is suggested that mean cane diameter and mean cane length can be used as evaluation indexes for building biomass model of T. wilfordii.

关键词雷公藤; 优良无性系; 生长性状; 干物质积累量; 典范相关分析
Key wordsTripterygium wilfordii Hook. f.; superior clone; growth property; dry matter accumulation amount; canonical correlation analysis
作者吴承祯1a,1b,2, 杨细明3, 林勇明1a,1b, 洪伟1a,1b, 李键1a,1b, 陈灿1a,1b
所在单位1. 福建农林大学: a. 林学院, b. 福建省高校森林生态系统过程与经营重点实验室, 福建福州350002;
2. 武夷学院, 福建武夷山354300;
3. 福建省林木种苗总站, 福建福州350003
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(30671664; 31070606); 教育部博士学科点专项基金资助项目(20093515110006); 福建省科技重大专项资助项目(2006NZ0001A)