2024年10月23日 星期三
9 种杨属植物雄花序中黄酮类含量的 HPLC 法测定
Determination of flavonoids in the male inflorescence of Populus L.by HPLC
2000年 第9卷 第1期 页码[61-62]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

The determination of flavonoids in the male inflo rescence of 9 species of Populus L .was carried out by HPLC.
Shim-pack ODS 150 mm ×6 mm column and CH
3OH-5 %HCOOH (water so lution)(62 .537.5)
w ere used as mobile
.The average recovery of chrysin was 100 .4% and RSD w as 2 .76 %.The method was proved to be simple and
sensitive that can be used for the medicinal quality evaluation of
Populus L .It show s that flavo noids are different in
varieties and contents among different species
, while chrysin is the common co nstituent of male inflo rescence .

关键词杨属植物; HP LC; 黄酮类; 含量测定
Key wordsPopulus L .; HPLC; flavo noids; quantitative analysis
作者王 欣, 汪 红 ,王 强
所在单位中国药科大学中药分析教研室, 南京 210038