2025年3月14日 星期五
Progress on germplasm innovation in blueberry industrial cultivation
2007年 第16卷 第3期 页码[64-72]    下载全文[1.4MB]  

在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,对蓝浆果(Vaccinium spp.)从野生到栽培、由家庭式栽培发展为产业化栽培过程中种质的选择、适应与创新的研究成果进行了归纳和综述。简要概述了越桔属(Vaccinium L.)植物的种质资源状况,重点阐述了蓝浆果重要品种的特性及育种目标的发展变化,归纳总结了蓝浆果的育种方法及所取得的成就,展望了中国蓝浆果育种的发展前景,并对蓝浆果育种研究提出了一些建议。认为在蓝浆果品种改良及育种工作中,生态适应性、抗病虫性及大果型优质品种是今后育种研究的重点。 


Based on consulting a large number of literatures, achievements of researches on germplasm selection, adaptation and innovation in course of blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) culture are summarized. The germplasm resources of genus Vaccinium L. are outlined. The main characters of important blueberry varieties and progresses of breeding aims are illustrated comprehensively. Advantages of different breeding methods of blueberry are reviewed. Prospects and suggestions on blueberry breeding in China are discussed. It is considered that ecological adaptability, disease and insect resistances, and breeding for large fruit and high quality varieties are the main goals in researches of blueberry breeding and variety improvement in the future.

关键词蓝浆果; 越桔属; 种质资源; 育种;
Key wordsblueberry; Vaccinium L.; germplasm; breeding
作者张德巧,於 虹
基金项目国家科学技术部成果推广资助项目(04efn215300275); 国家农业部“948”资助项目(2006-G25); 南京市科学技术局资助项目(061b210078);