2024年12月17日 星期二
Resources investigation and determination of total saponin content in Polygala fallax from Guangxi
2003年 第12卷 第1期 页码[47-49]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

对广西黄花倒水莲(Polygala fallax Hemsl.)资源现状进行了调查,并采用香草醛 高氯酸比色法测定了不同产地黄花倒水莲不同部位的总皂苷含量,基本弄清了黄花倒水莲在广西的资源分布、生长环境及目前民间药用情况。总皂苷含量测定结果表明:根、茎和叶中总皂苷含量存在较大差异,依次为:根>叶>茎;各产地间含量差异较小。


Resources of Polygala fallax Hemsl .in Guangxi was investigated .The content of total saponins in
, stems and leaves of P .fallax from different collection areas were determined by vanillin-perchloric acid spectrophotometric method .The resources distribution , growth environmental condition and native herb use of P .fallax in Guangxi were claritied .The results indicated that the content of total saponins in roots , stems and leaves were different significantly .The content of total saponins in roots was higher than that in leaves and then stems .The contents of total saponins in different collection areas were similar.

关键词黄花倒水莲; 资源; 总皂苷;
Key wordsPolygala fallax Hemsl.; resources; total saponins
作者徐宏江1 , 徐增莱2 , 朱丹妮1
所在单位1.中国药科大学, 江苏 南京 210038;
2.江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏 南京 210014