摘要 | 对伞形科(Apiaceae)当归属(Angelica L.)东当归〔A. acutiloba(Sieb.et Zucc.) Kitag.〕的分生果形态特征和解剖结构进行了全面观察。该种分生果的外观呈倒椭圆状长卵形,有三角状萼齿,果棱、棱槽和腹面表面均有黄白色斑点。果实横切面解剖结构具有以下特征:外果皮终止于果棱顶端的腹面处,合生面宽阔,外果皮和中果皮细胞中有大量淡黄色晶体,油管在棱槽和合生面处连续分布等。东当归的这些果实形态及解剖结构明显不同于当归属的其他种类,其分类地位有待重新探讨。 |
Abstract | Morphological features and anatomical structures of Angelica acutiloba(Sieb. etZucc.) Kitag. mericarp in Angelica L.of Apiaceaeare investigated.The mericarp is long oblong-obovate shape with triangular-shaped calyx teeth. There are some yellow-write dots on surfaces of ribs, vallecular canal and commissure. The transection anatomical features of mericarp are as follows: exocarp terminating under tip of marginal rib, broad commissure, a number of yellow crystals in exocarp and mesocarp cells and vittaes distributing continuatively invallecular canal and commissure, etc. These morphological and anatomical features of this species are obviously different from that of other species in Angelica. Therefore, it is necessary that taxonomic position of A. acutiloba has yet to be studied. |
关键词 | 东当归; 分生果; 解剖; 形态; |
Key words | Angelica acutiloba (Sieb.etZucc.) Kitag.; mericarp; anatomy; morphology |
作者 | 褚晓芳,刘启新 |
所在单位 | 江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园),江苏南京210014 |
点击量 | 1449 |
下载次数 | 959 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30370102); |