2025年3月14日 星期五
Comparison on contents of flavonoids and phenylethanoid glycosides in whole plant of Monochasma savatieri from different locations
2021年 第30卷 第3期 页码[78-80] 下载全文[0.7MB]
Abstract | Taking whole plant of Monochasma savatieri Franch. ex Maxim. from 9 locations in Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan and Jiangxi Provinces as material, contents of flavonoids and phenylethanoid glycosides were assayed. The results show that the differences in contents of total flavonoids, luteolin, total phenylethanoid glycosides, acteoside and isoacteoside in whole plant of M. savatieri from different locations are extremely significant, and the contents are 26.96-133.74, 0.83-4.03, 19.23-63.93, 0.34-15.98 and 0.17-5.41 mg·g-1, respectively. In which, contents of above five components in whole plant of M. savatieri from 3 locations in Fenyi, Anfu and Leping of Jiangxi Province are relatively high. |
关键词 | 沙氏鹿茸草; 黄酮类; 苯乙醇苷类 |
Key words | Monochasma savatieri Franch. ex Maxim.; flavonoids; phenylethanoid glycosides |
作者 | 李峰卿, 刘素贞, 唐艳, 周新华, 曾满生 |
所在单位 | 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业实验中心, 江西 分宜 336600 |
点击量 | 8345 |
下载次数 | 1116 |
基金项目 | 中国林业科学研究院基本科研业务费专项资金项目(CAFYBB2018MB003) |