摘要 | 以千年银杏 ( Ginkgo biloba L. )古树叶片为材料对不同生境与银杏叶黄酮积累的关系进行了主成分分析和多元回归分析 ,结果表明影响银杏叶黄酮积累的重要生境因子是纬度、日照百分率、年降雨量和年平均温度。4因子的多元逐步线性回归方程对百年以上银杏叶的黄酮含量预测具良好的拟合效果。 曲线回归分析表明 , 在纬度 28°19′± 2°34′N或 38°6′± 2°34′N , 年降水量762. 3± 114. 5 mm,日照百分率 35. 3% ± 6. 3% ,年平均温度 15. 95± 2. 15℃的条件下 ,最利于银杏叶黄酮的积累。但有利于叶内黄酮积累的生态条件并非银杏生长发育的最适条件。因此认为 ,选择有一定逆境胁迫的次适宜环境建立银杏采叶园 ,有利于提高叶内黄酮含量。 |
Abstract | The relations between flavo noid accumulation in Ginkgo biloba L. leavs and the ecological conditions are studied by principal component analysis and multiple regression analysis. The principal effect of environmental factors on flavonoid content are latitudes, annual precipitation and annual mean sunshine percentage, and annual mean temperature. The multiple linear regression equation has a predictable effectiveness on the flavonoid content in over hundred-year -old tree′s leaves. The most suitable ecolog ical conditions for it by no nlinear regression analysis is as follows: Latitudes is 28°19′± 2°34′N or 38°6′± 2°34′N; Annual precipitation 762. 3± 114. 5 mm; Annual mean sunshine percentage 35. 3% ± 6. 3% ; Annual mean tempe ratur e 15. 95± 2. 15℃ , but these conditions seem to be not optimum for the growth and develo pment of ginkgo . The view point is put forward that ginkgo leave-cultivation for higher content of flavonoid should be settled in the circumstances with certain stresses. |
关键词 | 银杏; 黄酮; 生态条件; 主成分分析; 回归分析 |
Key words | Ginkgo biloba L.; flav onoid; ecological conditions; principa l compo nent analysis; regression analysis |
作者 | 孙 视 ,刘晚苟 ,潘福生, 庞自洁 ,贺善安 |
所在单位 | 江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所,南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1210 |
下载次数 | 928 |
基金项目 | 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目 |