2025年3月14日 星期五
35 种鲜花的抗氧化活性
Antioxidant activities of 35 kinds of fresh flowers
2002年 第11卷 第2期 页码[21-24]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

采用了 Fe2 +诱发的脂蛋白 PUFA 过氧化H2O2诱导的 RBC 溶血和紫外线(UV)诱发的 RBC 溶血等 3 个体外抗氧化实验体系, 对映山红(Rhododendron simsii Planch .)35 种鲜花的抗氧化活性进行了测定和比较结果表明, 所测定的35 种鲜花中, 4 种杜鹃属(Rhododendron L.)植物的花蕾抗氧化活性最强一定浓度白杜鹃[R .mucronatum (Blume)G.Don花蕾提取液的抗 Fe2 +诱发的脂蛋白 PUFA 过氧化活性明显高于维生素 C


Antioxidant activities of 35 kinds of fresh flowers were determined and compared by three in vitro
antioxidants screening systems (including :lipoprotein PUFA peroxidation system induced by Fe
2 + ,
hemolysis system induced by H2 O2 and ultraviolet-induced hemolysis system).The results indicated that buds of 4 species of Rhododendron L .showed the most efficient antioxidant activities in all samples .The antilipidperoxidation activity of certain concentration extracts from R .mucronatum (Blume)G .Don bud is higher than that of Vc.

关键词抗氧化; 鲜花; 化学体系
Key wordsantioxidant; fresh flower; chemical system
作者廖立新 , 彭永宏 , 李 玲
所在单位华南师范大学生命科学院, 广东 广州 510631